The diocesan Spiritual Development Team has prepared a discipleship rhythm card for personal and group devotions. Based on both the Five Marks of Mission and the BELLS actions from Surprise the World, the card reminds us of our calling as Christians in this diocese in the communities in which we live. Using the themes: Love, Bless, Grow, Serve and Go, our hope is that it helps to encourage a rhythm for spiritual formation, outside of church worship. It is our prayer that these cards will be a helpful tool in our following of Jesus together.
If you wish to obtain a card(s) please contact the Bishop's Office.
This brief liturgy template can be used if you wish to formalize the distribution of the cards with the parish or particular groups at Advent or later. (PDF version for download)
Reading: John 15.9-12
Leader: We will abide in God's love and in turn, love and enjoy God; and extend love and care to the people and the world God has created.
Leader: [From our baptismal covenant:] We will strive to safeguard the integrity of God's creation, and respect, sustain and renew the life of [and on] the Earth.
Leader: As members of Christ's body [/ this church / this parish], we will:
All: Worship God, through praise, thanksgiving and listening; and enjoy God's creation, caring and interceding for all people and this planet.
Reading: Acts 2.44-47a
Leader: We will bless those around us, those we know and those we do not know, striving to build others up rather than ignoring them or tearing them down.
Leader: [From our baptismal covenant:] We will strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.
Leader: As members of Christ's body [/ this church / this parish], we will:
All: Demonstrate mutual love, welcome strangers and friends alike, support one another, treat all persons well, respond to God’s work among us.
Reading: Ephesians 4.11-16
Leader: We will strive for spiritual food, seeking not to just rest in the faith of our childhood or our early days as a Christ-follower, but to become mature, seeking to know our Lord better and to walk more regularly with Jesus.
Leader: [From our baptismal covenant:] We will persevere in resisting evil and continue in the apostles' teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers.
Leader: As members of Christ's body [/ this church / this parish], we will:
All: Become more Christ-like. Deepen our relationship with Jesus through prayer, Scripture and study. Discern and cultivate talents and gifts given for God’s use.
Reading: 1 John 3.17-18
Leader: We will not just serve ourselves, but look for opportunities to serve others, within our church community, the community in which we live and beyond.
Leader: [From our baptismal covenant:] We will seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbours as ourselves.
Leader: As members of Christ's body [/ this church / this parish], we will:
All: Share what we have received. Serve according to our talents and gifts. Become involved in parish and community life. Have special concern for the poor and the marginalized.
Reading: Matthew 28.18-20
Leader: We will take seriously our Lord's command to make disciples, taking the risk to share the good news of God's love with all who need to hear it.
Leader: [From our baptismal covenant:] We will proclaim by word and example the good news of God in Christ.
Leader: As members of Christ's body [/ this church / this parish], we will:
All: Announce the Good News! Witness and model God’s love for all people. Invite others to “come and see” what God has done and is doing!
[All say the prayer on the other side of the card together.]